
Randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of usual gas release, active aspiration, and passive-valve release on abdominal distension in patients who have undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomy


Warisara Tuvayanon
Potchanee Silchai
Yongyut Sirivatanauksorn
Porntita Visavajarn
Jaruwan Pungdok
Sununtha Tonklai
Thawatchai Akaraviputh.


  1. Poster Presentation ในประชุมวิชาการฝ่ายการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลศิริราช ประจำปี 2559 เรื่อง Service Quality Management in Nursing
  2. Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery published in November 2017. DOI: 10.1111/ases.12451
  3. Poster Presentation at AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo at United State of America during 1-5 April 2017