Shimane University Summer School 2020

Shimane University, Japan, organizes its Summer School every July.
Any students who belong to Mahidol University and who have studied Japanese language can apply for this program “Explore Authentic Japan in Shimane!”

* Schedule: July 6 (Mon.) – July 17 (Fri.), 2020
* Fee: 55,000 JPY (including accommodation, tuition, home-stay)
* Contents: Japanese classes, Lectures about Japanese culture, etc. Activities with Shimane Univ. students, Excursion, Field study.
* Application: Deadline-March 13 (Fri.), 2020.
Submit the documents through an office of international relations:
* For more information, please contact:

*About the details, please refer to the guidebook and application form.
guide book summer school2020.pdf

*You can enjoy seeing the past Summer School
Facebook  Aug 5th, 2019,