Call for Applications: Fulbright Programs 2021

Thailand – United States Educational Foundation (TUSEF/Fulbright Thailand) now provides the Programs for Thai. The detail of the programs are shown as follows:

1) 2021 Fulbright Thai Visiting Scholar Program (TVS)

The program enables senior Thai scholars/researchers/lecturers in a variety of fields to conduct research, lecture, or undertake special academic-related projects for a period of 3-6 months in the United States.

Up to three grants are awarded each year. Each grant covers round-trip international travel, monthly stipend, professional allowance, settling-in allowance, allowance for up to two dependents, and health insurance.

For further information, please visits:

2) 2021 Fulbright Junior Research Scholarship Program (JRS)

The program is aimed to develop the capabilities of Thai university staff members and interested persons to gain six months of research experience in the United States as part of their doctoral dissertation requirements.

For further information please visit: