Elective Study at Surgery, OBGYN

Welcome to the following students undertaking elective studies at the Department of Surgery and Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University:

Adam Tomori (left), a 4th-year medical student from the University of Debrecen, Hungary, will be studying in the Division of Plastic Surgery and Trauma Surgery.

Iustin-Stefan Cantea (second from the left), a 5th-year medical student from Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, will be studying in the Division of Neurological Surgery and Trauma Surgery.

Erica Luis Adiwati (second from the right), a 3rd-year medical student from Udayana University, Indonesia, will be studying in the Division of Plastic Surgery from August 5th to 16th, and in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from August 19th to 30th.

Caitlin Nataxia (the right), a 3rd-year medical student from Udayana University, Indonesia, will be studying in the Division of Plastic Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.

We look forward to your contributions and hope you have a rewarding and educational experience.