English Interviews for Siriraj 6th-Year Student Exchange Program 2025 (1st & 2nd Round Selection)

On August 5th & 7th, 2024, the Committee for the Siriraj Medical Students Exchange Program 2025 (Academic Year 2024) led by Assoc. Prof. Prapat Wanitpongpan, M.D., Deputy Dean for Corporate Communication and International Relations, along with Assoc. Prof. Vorapan Sirivatanauksorn, M.D., Ph.D., Chairwoman of the Department of Biochemistry, Lecturer Primana Punnakitikashem, Ph.D., and Assoc. Prof. Chantacha Sitticharoon, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Education, conducted English interviews to select participants for the upcoming clinical elective program. The committee interviewed a total of 44 Siriraj sixth-year medical students.