Hubert H. Humphrey North-South Fellowship Program 2021

The Thailand-United States Educational Foundation (Fulbright Thailand) which helps administer the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, a non-degree program for mid-career professionals in the Thai government and private organizations, invites applications from Thai citizens who have demonstrated leadership in public service for one year of non-degree study and practical work-related experience in the United States. For the 2021 academic year, the Foundation will recruit up to three (3) outstanding candidates.

PROGRAM FIELDS: The programs arranged for Humphrey Fellows are related to one of the following fields: Agricultural and Rural Development, Communications/Journalism, Substance Abuse Education, Prevention, and Treatment, Economic Development/Finance and Banking, Educational Administration, Planning and Policy, Higher Education Administration, HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention, Human Resource Management, Law and Human Rights, Natural Resources Management/Environmental, Policy/Climate Change, Public Health Policy and Management, Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration, Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (Teacher Training or Curriculum Development), Technology Policy and Management, Trafficking in Persons Policy and Prevention, Urban and Regional Planning.

Applications of nominated candidates will be submitted to the Institute of International Education in Washington, D.C. for final review and selection.

Appropriate candidates are mid-career professionals in leadership positions who have a commitment to public service and the potential for professional advancement. They should be currently employed by national, local or regional government units or universities or by private sector organizations, with assurances of reemployment upon return.

The Humphrey Program is designed for those moving into positions of important responsibility and influence in their careers. Humphrey Fellows will be placed as non-degree students in graduate level courses in one of participating universities. Professional activities such as seminars, special research projects, field trips, attendance at professional association conferences, meetings with professional counterparts and professional affiliations with appropriate organizations provide fellows with practical experience in their fields outside the university setting. The emphasis is on broad-based program objectives that go beyond the acquisition or improvement of professional or technical skills alone.

FINANCIAL PROVISIONS: The Humphrey Fellowship provides a monthly maintenance allowance, a book and supplies allowance, tuition and fees when applicable, round-trip international travel to the host institution (and to the Fellow’s English-language training program when applicable) and domestic travel to Washington, D.C. for a special seminar. Supplementary funds are provided for professional activities such as field trips or attendance at conferences. Humphrey Fellowships are not renewable. The monthly maintenance allowance ranges from US$1,900 to 2,400 based on the cost of living in a given area of the United States. There will be no provision for dependents to accompany fellows, nor will fellows receive a separate allowance to support dependents.

An applicant must:
1. be a Thai citizen in good health, preferably from 30 to 50 years of age;
2. be physically present in Thailand at the time of interview;
3. have at least a B average (3.0) or the equivalent on academic transcripts for all years of undergraduate study or a successful academic record at the graduate level; if having more than six months of U.S. experience, must have returned to Thailand for at least five years prior to August 2020; if having attended a graduate school in the U.S. for one academic year or more, must have returned to Thailand seven years prior to August 2021.
4. have an outstanding record of professional accomplishments and leadership qualities;
5. have a minimum of 5 years of progressively responsible professional experience in public service, whether in public or private sector organizations and agencies (an applicant should be policy rather than research and technically oriented.);
6. Universities teachers with no management or policy responsibilities are technically ineligible, except for teachers of English as a Foreign Languages and teachers in the field of drug abuse prevention and treatment;
7. have a TOEFL score at least 71 internet-based (iBT) or IELTS score of at least 6.0 on a test taken
within two years and valid before October 1, 2020For TOEFL examination, please directly visit website or www.ets.orig/toefl/

8. be able to fully participate in every activity organized by the Foundation, e.g. Pre-departure Orientation Program which will be held during early June.

Each applicant must submit BOTH online and a set of hard-copy application to TUSEF by the set deadline.

1. From March 10th June 5, 2020, a preliminary online application (induding online recommendation letters) will be available on the website at application.fulbrightthalorg The deadline for online application is Friday, June 5, 2020, at 12:00 pm (noon, Thailand local time, GMT+7.00).

2. The hard-copies of the application must include :
a) 6 photocopies of the original application
b) 6 photocopies of university transcript(s)
c) 6 photocopies of eligible TOEFL/IELTS score report
d) 1 letter of recommendation in a sealed envelope, using only the Fulbright Recommendation Form, which can be downloaded from the online application system.

3. The above hard-copies can be sent by mail (THAILAND-U.S. EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, THAI WAH
TOWER 1, rd FLOOR, 21/5 SOUTH SATHORN ROAD, BANGKOK 10120) or hand delivered to the Foundation, but must arrive or EMS postmarked by JUNE 5, 2020, to be eligible for consideration. The Foundation is’ open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

4. Further information can be obtained from the Foundation, Tel. 0-2285-0581-2 ext. 104


March 10 – June 5 Preliminary online application available on the Foundation website
July 2020 Screening and shortlisting of applications from qualified applicants. Recommended applicants notified of interview place, date and time. Interview by Binational Selection Committee
August 2020 Candidates notified of the interview results. Completed final applications to the Foundation submitted by recommended candidates.
September 2020 Completed on-line applications submitted to the Institute of International Education and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State in Washington, D.C. for final selection
March 2021 Candidates notified of final selection results and U. S. host institution(s) of successful candidate(s)
June 2021 Pre-departure Orientation
June – August 2021 Departure of the Fellow(s)