SiCORE-Dengue Teleconference with Scientific Advisory Board: First-Year Progress Report in Phase 2

On August 6th, 2024, the SiCORE-M Team and SiCORE-Dengue conducted a significant teleconference with the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The distinguished SAB members included Prof. Xiao-Ning Xu, Chair in Human Immunology and Head of the Centre for Immunology and Vaccinology at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Imperial College London, and Prof. Sir Andrew J. McMichael, Professor of Molecular Medicine at the Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford.

The teleconference began with a warm welcome from Assist. Prof. Woraphat Ratta-apha, Head of the Center of Research Excellence (SiCORE). The primary focus of the meeting was a comprehensive presentation by Assoc. Prof. Panisadee Avirutnan, Director of SiCORE-Dengue, delivered an in-depth report on the first year’s progress in Phase 2 of the project. The presentation sparked productive discussions with the SAB on the research outcomes, future directions, and potential challenges in the ongoing fight against dengue.