SiCORE-MSB Teleconference with Scientific Advisory Board: First-Year Progress Report in Phase 1

On August 9th, 2024, the SiCORE-M team, led by Assist. Prof. Woraphat Ratta-apha, Head of the Center of Research Excellence (SiCORE), warmly welcomed the esteemed Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of SiCORE-MSB. The SAB, including Prof. Anil K. Agarwal, Chief of Medicine at VA Central California Health Care System and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, was integral to our first-year progress evaluation.

The main speaker, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sakda Khoomrung, Director of SiCORE-MSB, presented the research progress on developing metabolomic biomarkers for lupus nephritis and innovative metabolomics and mass spectrometry analysis methods, in line with our project’s goals. The meeting also involved discussions on the development and applications of bioinformatics tools for biomedical research, focusing on integrating Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) data and analyzing clinical parameters.