Siriraj Clinches Top Honor at ASOCIO ICT Awards 2023

Congratulations to the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, for securing the prestigious ‘Asia Oceania Computing Industrial Organization (ASOCIO) 2023 ICT Awards.’ This remarkable accomplishment comes in the coveted category of ‘ASOCIO Digital Transformation Award 2023,’ recognizing their groundbreaking project, ‘5G Smart Hospital.’


The ASOCIO Digital Transformation Award, a testament to exemplary contributions in integrating digital technologies, was conferred based on stringent criteria:

  1. Legally registered local companies or government corporations.
  2. Digitally transformed the organization’s culture, processes, and operations while ensuring scalability, security, data privacy, compliance and adaptability of the solution besides offering a potential or actual positive impact on society, such as job creation, environmental sustainability, or community development.
  3. Demonstrated great creativity and originality in the use of emerging technologies and new business models that improved efficiency, increased revenue and enhanced customer experience including ease of use, accessibility and personalization that aligns with the organization’s overall vision and strategic goals.


The ASOCIO 2023 ICT Awards serve as a platform to acknowledge outstanding accomplishments in the utilization and implementation of digital technologies. Individuals, academic institutions, corporations, NGOs, and governments participate enthusiastically, showcasing their remarkable achievements across various categories.