Siriraj Wins “Young Investigator Award” at ISBI Biennial Congress in UK

Congratulations to Doctor Kittipob Kirdpun, MD, a Residency Surgeon from the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, for winning the ‘Young Investigator Award in Oral Presentation’ at the “22nd International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI) Biennial Congress” in Birmingham, UK, on August 22nd, 2024. His presentation“Association between Length of Stay and Operative Time among Inpatients with Burns in a University Hospital in Thailand garnered recognition for its exceptional contribution to burn injury research.

The International Society for Burn Injuries is partnering with the British Burn Association (BBA) to organize the 22nd Congress of the ISBI and the 55th Annual Meeting of the BBA themed, “Exchanging Knowledge to Improve Burn Care Around the World – Facing the Future”.