#SIRIRAJsingingcontest2023 Top Finalists Announcement

🎵 Attention, Music Enthusiasts! The Moment Has Arrived! 🎵
The Top Shining Stars of #SIRIRAJsingingcontest2023 to The Final Stage Announcement!!
We are thrilled to announce the competitors who have risen above all others in our highly anticipated Singing Contest! After careful evaluation and intense deliberation, our esteemed judges have the top ten candidates who will showcase their extraordinary talent on our grand stage.
the top finalists are as follows:
1.ณัฐณิฎา ผิวขำ
2.ธฤดี ไพศาลสมบุญ และ กฤชญา เติมเลิศมนัสวงษ์
3.ปวริศา เขมะโยธิน
4.ผศ.พญ. ฐิติมา ว่องวิริยะวงศ์
5.ผศ.พญ.เงินตรา ทันธรานนท์
6.พิมพ์ชนก พัฒน์แช่ม
7.ลลิดา นุชปาน
8.วิลาวัณย์ ไชยพรม
9.ศศินา เถียรพรมราช
10.สุกฤต ดาวจันอัด
11.สุดณัฐชาภา เฉลิมชุติเดช
🚩Note: The committee would like to announce the selection of the top 10 candidates with the highest scores. In total, there are 11 contestants (Note: There are 2 contestants who have the same score).
📌for more info please contact
Yanisa, IR officer
Tel. 99865/-6 ext 108
Once again, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to every candidate who enthusiastically participated since the first round. Your dedication and remarkable talents have truly blessed us.

to each one of you. You are all stars in our eyes, and we look forward to your future. Keep shining brightly!

🎟️the next step will be announced soon!