The Prince Mahidol Award Laureates 2023 Delivered Special Lectures at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital on Their Contributions to the Benefits of Mankind!

January 23rd, 2024, at 09:30 am, the Prince Mahidol Awards Laureates: Prof. Napoleone Ferrara, M.D. (USA / Italy), the 2023 PMA Laureate in the Field of Medicine; Prof. Dr. Barry H. Rumack, M.D. (USA), the 2023 PMA Laureate in the Field of Public Health, have arrived and received a warm welcome from Prof. Apichat Asavamongkolkul, M.D., the Vice-Chairman of Prince Mahidol Award Foundation under the Royal Patronage and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, along with the Administrative Members of Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. As a tradition, the PMA Laureates paid an official visit to the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, the host and founder of the Prince Mahidol Award (PMA), and delivered special lectures demonstrating their exemplary contributions to the world of medical sciences and public health.

Upon arrival at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital at 09:30 am, the PMA Laureates paid respect to the statue of His Royal Highness Prince Mahidol of Songkla, before having a group photo with the executive members of the Faculty.

At 09:45 am, the PMA Laureates were escorted to visit the Prince Mahidol Hall of Fame at Syamindhra Building, 2nd floor, to appreciate the collection of Prince Mahidol’s rare possessions with his royal duty and his tremendous contributions to modern Medicine in Thailand.

At 12:00 pm, the Laureates attended the Faculty Luncheon hosted by the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital to honor their significant contribution and achievement at Sirindhorn Conference Room, Chalermprakiet Building, G floor.

At 01:30 pm, following the luncheon, the Laureates proceeded to deliver the special lectures (onsite and via the online platform) demonstrating their significant contributions to the benefits of humankind at the Rachapanaddasirindhorn Auditorium, Srisavarindira Building, G Floor. The special lectures were started with Prof. Napoleone Ferrara who was renowned for the discovery of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and the development of the drug “Bevacizumab” for treating cancer and eye diseases; followed by Prof. Dr. Barry H. Rumack who were recognized for inventing tools to assess risk and diagnose patients with acute acetaminophen poisoning. He also played a crucial role in developing the Poisindex digital toxicology clinical information resource.