Ubaya, Indonesia, Visits Siriraj

From July 10th-12th, 2024, Assoc. Prof. Prapat Wanitpongpan, the Deputy Dean for Corporate Communications and International Relations, welcomed a delegation from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia, led by Prof. Dr. Rochmad Romdoni, along with his team and 12 medical students. The visit aimed to foster learning about Medicine in Thailand and explore potential collaborations with the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University.

On July 10th, 2024, the delegation visited the Siriraj Medical Museum. Here, they delved into the history of medicine in Thailand and Siriraj, gaining insights into forensic science and diseases prevalent in Thailand through the Anatomical Museum, Forensic Museum, and Parasitology Museum.

On July 11th, 2024, Dr. Phornnop Naiyanetr, Chair of the Department of Immunology, along with department administrators, welcomed the guests for an insightful visit. The medical students learned about Siriraj’s specialized expertise in Immunology. Additionally, Lect. Sukree Kade from the Center of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine shared his knowledge, delivering an engaging presentation on Applied Thai Traditional Medicine.

The visit concluded on July 12th, 2024, with Asst. Prof. Napakorn Sangchay welcoming Dr. Adhymas Setyo Wicaksono, an Anatomy lecturer from Ubaya, and his team to the Department of Anatomy. The session was both engaging and insightful, covering academic, educational, and service aspects of the department and discussing potential areas for future collaboration between the institutions.