Hand and Microsurgery

Chief : Professor Panupan Songcharoen, MD

Attending staffs :

Assistant Professor Saichol Wongtrakul, MD

Torpol Vathana, MD

Roongsak Limthongthang, MD


Hand and Microsurgery Service of the Department of Orthopaedic surgery, Siriraj hospital, provides care for the patients with hand, wrist and elbow problems including trauma, birth abnormalities, tumors, infection, inflammation, and degenerative conditions. Using holistic approach for structural bones and joint, soft tissue whether the skin, muscle, tendons, blood vessels, and nerve is essential. The procedures of hand surgery mainly involve microsurgery techniques especially for nerves and small vessels repair and reconstruction.

Professor Emeritus Natee Rukspollmuang is the pioneer of hand surgery in our department, performing numerous pediatric hand deformity corrections and tendon transfers after finished training from England.

In the early time of the department, hand services had not yet clearly assigned. With increasingly complicated problems of hand surgery encountered, the Hand and Microsurgery service has been established and Professor Panupan Songcharoen was appointed as the first chief of services.  Professor Panupan studied hand and microsurgery from England and Switzerland, particularly with the world pioneer in brachial plexus surgery, Professor Algimentas Narakas. Professor Panupan is considered to be the first physician in Thailand who treated the brachial plexus injury patients with microsurgical nerve surgery, and recognized internationally as an expert in the field of the brachial plexus surgery.

Clinical service
We provide services through our specialty clinic for patients, especially those