Call for Application: 2021 Virtual Summer Course

Universitas Gadjah Mada. Indonesia would like to invite Mahidol University’s students to join in the 2021 Virtual Summer Course on Interprofessional Healthcare – Complementary Healthcare and Functional Foodwhich will be held on November 1st – 12th, 2021.

Universitas Gadjah Mada has routinely conducted a summer course on Interprofessional Health Care, involving multi-discipline participants such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nutrition, nursing, etc. and due to the pandemic of COVID-19, this year UGM conducted the event fully online. Every year more than 50 students from varying disciplines have participated in this event.

Traditional communities have a dependence on various plants as a source of food, medicine, and for traditional ceremonies. Local knowledge about existing plants is developed based on experiences that have been tested over centuries and adapted to local cultural and environmental conditions. This knowledge is known as local wisdom.

Local wisdom is more than just a concept. This local wisdom is a powerful tool that has the potential to be used throughout Asia and the world in the world of Health, both in health services and in maintaining fitness. Some of the local wisdom practices in the world of health include the use of herbs as medicine to maintain fitness and also cure diseases, the use of various kinds of spices and healthy cooking methods to maintain health, massage for musculoskeletal disorders. Even some local wisdom practices have been scientifically proven to have benefits for health

The dominance of western medicine is one of the challenges in implementing local wisdom in the world of health. Today’s conventional medicine is very much oriented towards modern medicine. This is because the pattern of education in the health sector uses the basis of many western countries. In addition, scientific evidence that supports western medicine also strengthens the dominance of western medicine in the world of health. This has increasingly made future generations forget about their local wisdom, instead of pursuing and applying it in the health sector. Therefore, this summer course has the theme of local wisdom in healthcare and wellness to reintroduce local wisdom in the health sector to the younger generation. In this course, it will be conveyed about the implementation of local wisdom in the health sector in Indonesia and several other countries such as South Korea, Thailand, and China. Participants will also be invited to find out about regulations related to the implementation of local wisdom in the health sector, the challenges and opportunities that exist. After participating in this summer course, participants are expected to realize that in addition to local wisdom it has the potential to be implemented in the health sector

This activity seeks to support innovation and integration of interdisciplinary flagship programs in providing advocacy as well as implementation, knowledge provision related to the development of health service technology in the industrial revolution era 4.0. Hopefully, this program is able to open participants’ insights about various developments in digitizing health services, so that they are more responsive and adaptive and hold ethical health services

We welcome groups of students as well as individual students who will be made very welcome at this event. If the students are interested, please register at