Siriraj Attended the APTS 2023 Congress

The faculties of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, attended “The 4th Congress of Asia-Pacific Society of Thyroid Surgery (APTS) – Thyroid: Controversies to Consensus” in Kochi, Kerala, India, between March 23rd – 26th, 2023, and participated this congress with different activities as follows:

Assoc. Prof. Warut Pongsapich delivered an oral presentation on “Clinical Value of Using Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring in Thyroid Surgery by Low Experience Surgeons: A Randomized Controlled Trial.”

Clin. Prof. Cheerasook Chongkolwatana was invited as a guest speaker to deliver a special lecture on “Surgical Complications of Thyroid Cancer Invading Trachea.”

Lect. Dr. Prachya Maneeprasopchoke delivered a special lecture on “Using Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring in TOETVA.”

Dr. Parnwad Chairat presented a research e-poster on “Stimulation Probes Used for Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring in Endoscopic Thyroidectomy: A Comparison Study of Efficacy and Safety in Porcine Model” (the e-poster was supervised by Lect. Dr. Paveena Pithuksachai and Clin. Prof. Cheerasook Chongkolwatana.)

The 4th Congress of Asia-Pacific Society of Thyroid Surgery (APTS) 2023 covered all aspects of thyroid and parathyroid disorders, cutting-edge knowledge and techniques, and strengthened friendships between members.